TStringGridEx Compoenet Ver 1.02 Last modify Date OCT 22 1996 Freeware Component For Delphi 2.0x Written By Tom Lee , Taiwan , Republic of China E-Mail : tom@libra.aaa.hinet.net Home Page : http://www.aaa.hinet.net/delphi I Just want a TStringGrid that supports MultiSelect like TListBox Component, TStringGridEx adds an MultiSelect Property , allowing you to multiselect each row just like TListBox Component. TStringGridEx Provide 3 New Method: 1) function GetSelectRowCount:integer; 2) function GetSelectRow(RowValue:integer):Boolean; 3) procedure SetSelectRow(RowValue:integer;Selected:Boolean); You can find them in the sample program. Files: ----------------------------------------------------------- STRGRDEX.PAS Source for TStringGridEx STRGRDEX.DCR 32 Bit Resource Containing Component bitmap DEMO.DPR Sample Program Project File UNIT1.PAS Sample Program Unit File UNIT1.DFM Sample Program Form File README.TXT This File To Install: 1) Copy/Move STRGRDEX.PAS & STRGRDEX.DCR to a directory 2) Run Delphi 2.x and select the Component|Install Components menu option. 3) In the 'Search Path' add the directory where you copied the files. 4) Click on Browse and locate the STRGRDEX.PAS file. Hit OK. 5) Click on OK to rebuild your Component library (COMPLIB.DCL). You may use TStringGridEx any way you like but don't blame me.